Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - Cookie in a Jar

Cookie in a Jar

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Recipe Details

Bake Time:
10-12 minutes
4 dozen
Good for parties/potlucks, Kid friendly, Travels well




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katmac says:

a fantastic christmas prezzy

11/22/2012 5:12:01 AM

Mary says:

I think there should be more butter and or eggs in the directions. 1/2 cup butter and 1 egg was simply not enough. I would have added more butter, but I did not have any more, so I added another egg and tablespoon of oil. That seemed to do the trick; I was able to incorporate the rest of the cookie mix. IMHO, these cookies were ok, but they wouldn't be a “go to” recipe for me.

11/5/2012 7:10:02 AM

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