Is Northpole.com available all year long or just during the holidays?
Northpole.com is available all year long. However, you can only write a letter to Santa from October 1st thru December 24th each year.
Why do I not see the Village and some of the other pictures on the main pages?
All of these animated pictures use Adobe Flash. If you are using an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch Apple does not support Adobe Flash on these devices so the images don't appear. However, everything else on the page still works just fine. Other items that require Adobe Flash are the Disco Dancing Santa, Counting Money Game and Telling Time Game.
How do I remove the wallpaper?
From your desktop, right click and choose properties. Then select the Desktop tab and from the drop down list titled Background choose (None).
When I select a month for the Goods Deeds Calendar, nothing happens. How do I see and print the calendar I want?
The Good Deeds Calendars open in a pop-up window so you must have your pop-up blocker turned off for it to work. You should also make sure that you have the latest version of Adobe Reader since the calendars are shown in PDF format for printing. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader here.
I went to pick up a postcard and it wants me to enter an ID. I don’t have one so where do I get it?
The Postcard Pick-up area is for the recipient of your postcard. As the sender, you only see the postcard when you create and send it. The recipient (the TO when you created the postcard) will receive an email with a link to pick up your postcard. The email also provides them with the postcard ID so that they can use the PostCard pick-up page if the link in the email doesn’t work with their email program.
Does northpole.com have a recipe book with all of your wonderful recipes?
Sorry, but we do not have a book of our recipes. You may, however, print any of them for your personal, non-commercial use.
How can I see the letter I sent to Santa?
Visit the Mailroom and click the link that reads: “Santa Letter Pickup.” The last sentence on the page reads: “Want to view the letter you sent Santa?” After clicking this link, you will need to enter the User ID and password you used when sending your letter to Santa. Then your letter to Santa will be shown.
I forgot my User ID or password used for my Santa letter. Is there a way I can retrieve it so that I can see Santa’s return letter?
You will have to get your Parent/Guardian to log into their account with their email address and password. Then they can click on the button titled "View or Edit Children". This will display a page with all the information about their children including User IDs and passwords.
I’m trying to play one of the games in the Elves’ Game Chest and I get a page that has a box with an ‘x’ in the corner. What is wrong?
The most likely problems are that you either do not have Java enabled or you don’t have the newest version of Java installed. You can download the latest version of Java here.
How does ElfChat℠ work? Are there people on the other end responding?
ElfChat uses artificial intelligence programming (AI) and not live people to make the elves’ responses. The program to do this is downloaded to your computer, so everything happens on your computer. Your entries are not sent to www.northpole.com, they are kept on your computer only. The elves’ response to statements or questions entered will occasionally contain a portion of the visitor’s entry. This can make for some unexpected responses by one of the elves. Please be aware that these type of responses can only happen after the visitor enters a phrase that the AI program doesn’t understand.
When I click “Print a Personalized Story Book” on the Personalized Stories page, nothing happens. How do I view and print my story?
The Personalized Stories open in a pop-up window so you must have your pop-up blocker turned off for it to work. You should also make sure that you have the latest version of Adobe Reader since the story book is in PDF format for printing. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader here.
When I try to view the coloring pages or craft for a story, nothing happens. How do I view the coloring pages and craft?
Both the coloring pages and crafts are in PDF format for printing, so you should also make sure that you have the latest version of Adobe Reader. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader here.