Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - Pecan Sandies

Pecan Sandies

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Recipe Details

Bake Time:
20 minutes
5 dozen
Contains nuts, Good for parties/potlucks




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kims4kids says:

These cookies are my kids favorite at Christmas time! I love them too! We call them Snowballs, because they are shaped into balls and coated in powdered sugar after baking. The recipe is easy...but don't make them last minute, because the dough needs to be in the fridge for about 3 hours so that you can roll them into balls easy. You probably have all the ingredients on hand...just need to be sure to have the pecans. One of my faves to bake over the holidays! All the family and grandparents love them too! :)

11/30/2013 11:32:34 PM

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