Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Walnut Cookies

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Walnut Cookies

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Recipe Details

Bake Time:
9 minutes
36 cookies
Contains nuts, Good for parties/potlucks, Travels well




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berrsher1 says:

I just made these and was extremly disappointed. They were not done @ 9 minutes so i left them in till they looked done. They were very flat, brown all over and they stuck to the cookie sheet. I believe there is something missing in this recipe. Maybe they need more flour, and baking soda but i felt this was a great waste of ingredients. do not make the same mistake i did. search for another recipe!

12/1/2013 11:28:56 AM

jamjnr says:

This is one of the best oatmeal cookies I have ever eaten and when I make them, my husband and son can't eat them fast enough. They are crispy at the edges and chewy in the middle without tasting "raw." I follow the recipe to the letter and they come out great every time, even when I double it. There's a reason this is a classic.

9/5/2013 8:49:40 PM

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