Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - Caramel Shortbread

Caramel Shortbread

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Recipe Details

Bake Time:
20-25 minutes
Tags: Good for parties/potlucks, Kid friendly




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mary94523 says:

$ince the first time I made this recipe, it has been a family favorite. However, every year, I am left wondering if I've done something wrong because the caramel doesn't get "gloppy." I always wonder if I should put it back on the heat or if I just need to wait for it to cool completely. Eventually it does get gloppy but it takes a long time.

12/22/2012 11:30:05 AM

spz says:

This is a great recipe. Easy & Quick. Can cut in any size squares. Love it!!!!

12/5/2012 8:33:04 AM

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