Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - Melt in Your Mouth Cutout Sugar Cookies

Melt in Your Mouth Cutout Sugar Cookies

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Recipe Details

Bake Time:
7-10 minutes
Tags: Contains nuts, Fun to make with kids, Good for parties/potlucks, Kid friendly




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Phoebez says:

These might be Santa's favorite, but nothing spectacular. They had a good taste but weren't "melt in your mouth." The cooler they got the more crispy they became. Everyone has an opinion and although they might be perfect for someone else, I won't be making them again.

12/29/2012 3:33:06 PM

12345qwert says:

if this is what mrs clause makes then santa must be well feed

12/17/2012 12:55:01 PM

kimdiaz707 says:

These are wonderful!!!!! Love them

11/20/2012 2:10:13 PM

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