Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - Best Chocolate Chip Cookies in the World

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies in the World

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Recipe Details

Bake Time:
9-12 minutes
Tags: Fun to make with kids, Good for parties/potlucks




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Deandra0923 says:

Yum my favorite

12/24/2016 8:00:59 AM

maksmaj says:


11/7/2015 9:12:38 PM

fotoenia says:

I don't use Chocolate chips. But instead using Cadbury Dairy Milk (Milka) with Daim caramel pieces.

4/4/2014 10:51:26 AM

epeterson00 says:


12/24/2013 3:42:24 PM


YUM YUM YUM YUM!!!!!!!!!

12/17/2013 8:43:13 AM

Collettmom says:

YUM YUM YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12/13/2013 9:08:38 PM

Randolphsaid says:


12/6/2013 6:09:43 AM

emmabuis says:

Its So Yummy

11/30/2013 1:18:00 PM

430493442 says:

Best thing my class Loved it my class and I are going to have a party and I am going to make this :)

7/1/2013 5:20:30 PM

Stephanie123 says:

These cookies were AMAZING!!! My family loves them!

6/27/2013 2:52:58 PM

flipflop3 says:

they was very good

12/23/2012 8:50:36 PM

Emmyj123 says:

it need a bit of work it is a bit to chocolate for me but it could be ok for other people thank you bye

12/22/2012 12:26:23 PM

pickles1211 says:

Amazingly awesome!! Best cookies ever (except Grandma's=D)

12/17/2012 4:03:06 PM

pook4321 says:

so yummmmmmmmy i will die

12/16/2012 5:25:28 PM

01362536 says:

OH MY! these cookies are the best there sweet and yummy thanks Mrs.Claus i'm cooking these for Santa Clause every year and he should love them.

12/16/2012 3:25:45 PM

anslee9 says:


12/15/2012 1:27:50 PM

cutie909 says:

i think they rock

12/11/2012 2:53:02 PM

Mary says:

These are so yummy!

12/10/2012 9:52:41 AM

emma1234 says:

it so sweet and yummmmmmmy.

12/2/2012 11:42:06 PM

RheebzieRocks says:

Ate all of them in 1 go!!!!

11/30/2012 2:07:52 PM

megan_portelli says:

It was just delicious I couldn't resist taking one every day!!! Good job Mrs.Claus for the recipe!!!! :)

11/20/2012 11:25:41 AM

kay10 says:


11/17/2012 7:36:36 AM

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