Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - Potato Candy

Potato Candy

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Total Time:
not specified
Tags: Contains nuts, Dairy‑free, Gluten‑free




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ladywinter93 says:

I've always known this as potato candy/peanut butter roll. I would omit the potato and use 1-2 bags (32-oz) confectioner's sugar and a tbsp. of milk, stir up mixture real good with my hands, then roll the dough out and spread peanut butter over it all. roll it back up, then slice thin. Great Recipe!!! never tried the potato in it, but heard that you really can't taste it. My children LOVED IT when they were little, still fix it every holiday!!!!! I would say this recipe is basically the same, so I would rate it 5 stars!!!!!!

11/16/2017 8:41:51 PM

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