Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - Auntie Linda's Ginger Gems

Auntie Linda's Ginger Gems

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Recipe Details

Bake Time:
10-12 minutes
Tags: Fun to make with kids, Gluten‑free, Good for parties/potlucks, Travels well




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catherder says:

I received these yummy cookies in a Cookie Swap. The lady that made them said she doubled the amount of spices in the recipe. They were great

12/10/2015 5:24:51 AM

BettyBarthel says:

The most delicious cookies I have ever made! EVERYONE I've made them for wants the recipe and my Christmas cookie exchange has told me I have to make these cookies every year! If you want them to be a little crispier, like my husband, just bake them a little longer. My first taste on a Christmas Craft tour lead me to the recipe almost 10 years ago. I'm surprised no one has written a review!

12/9/2015 11:45:22 PM

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