Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - Peanut Marshmallow Cookies

Peanut Marshmallow Cookies

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Recipe Details

Bake Time:
8-10 minutes
5 dozen
Contains nuts, Good for parties/potlucks




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chelcalfed says:

I also had a problem with the marshmallow in these cookies. The dough is not the type you can fold the marshmallows into. However I am going to retry these and take a pinch of dough and flatten it in my hand and place one or two marshmallow in the dough and then fold over and roll into a ball. I think this will work. These cookies have a great flavor and everybody who tried them went back for more. Worth the try!

1/13/2014 3:57:10 PM

Daniele69 says:

Marshmallows ruined the recipe. They made a mess of the pan & ended up with burnt edges from the marshmallows that spilled out of the cookies. That never happened to me before any time I've ever made ccokies. This was the first time I ever made a bad batch. I don't plan on ever making these again

11/6/2012 11:52:26 AM

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