Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - Upside-down Apple-Pecan Pie

Upside-down Apple-Pecan Pie

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Recipe Details

Bake Time:
40-50 minutes
Tags: Contains nuts, Good for parties/potlucks




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Mamafreckles says:

I made this pie this year for thanksgiving and it was a huge hit! Perfectly sweet and it slid right out of my glass pie dish with no problems. I didn't put slits in the top pie crust and it still cooked evenly with no bubbling over or any problems. I would suggest this recipe to anyone who love apple pie and pecans. It's a winner and Mother in-law approved!

11/29/2013 9:54:30 AM

tnovy says:

This has become the favorite pie in my house!

11/16/2013 5:49:08 PM

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