Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - Turtle Pie

Turtle Pie

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Recipe Details

Total Time:
not specified
Tags: Contains nuts, Good for parties/potlucks




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jwtaylor says:

My guess as to why it didn't work is there is no whipping cream. Most turtle pie recipes I know of require 16 oz. of whipped topping folded into the cream cheese and sweetened condensed milk. I'll have to try it and see

3/26/2017 4:01:19 PM

Lil' Lady says:

I used this recipe for Thanksgiving and the pie sat in the fridge over night and it never set, still maintained the consistency of a liquid :( It looked so delicious when I made it, so if any one else has made this pie and had a different outcome I would love to know what i did wrong so i could try again.

11/28/2012 3:09:51 PM

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