Sand Art Brownies

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Bake Time: |
minutes |
Tags: | Contains nuts, Fun to make with kids, Kid friendly, Travels well |
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Pwinc123abc says:
I love it is a littel to sweet 2/3 white sauger 2/3 brown way way way to SWEET
12/22/2014 12:11:39 AM

afsana66 says:
i love this it is really yummy they loooked so pretty in the jar i love the ice cream part much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : ~ )
1/6/2013 1:09:44 PM

csmith258 says:
i tried it and it's awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12/21/2012 5:06:27 PM

kaki2k12 says:
12/9/2012 3:36:16 AM

Mary says:
These are so yummy! The ingredients look pretty in the jar, so it's a great gift idea. When baking them, I used coconut oil instead of vegetable oil and omitted the walnuts. These are so good; I wish I could give it more stars! They are gooey, chewy, and very rich! Put a scoop of ice cream on top, and you have brownie à la mode.