Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - 4-Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies

4-Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies

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Recipe Details

Prep Time:
Bake Time:
Total Time:
7 minutes
14 minutes
21 minutes
Tags: Contains nuts, Fun to make with kids, Gluten‑free, Kid friendly, Quick & easy




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millie78 says:

best cookies to eat when they come out of the oven and even drink milk with them.

12/16/2020 12:28:08 AM

piemaker2 says:

very good

12/3/2014 3:16:12 PM

wonka88pet says:

Very easy to make, delicious. May I make a suggestion? For diabetics, use Splenda instead of sugar. It works. I have tried it because I am a diabetic.

12/15/2013 8:26:41 PM

tyley says:

this cookies are good! I was leary of making them because there's no flour but, they came out good. it says bake 14 to 16 mins. but keep them in for about 20 to 23 mins. let them cool on the cookie sheet first then move them to a cooling rack. You can really taste the PB! they are sweet so one or two is enough! this recipe makes about 16 one and half inch balls before you press down with the fork.It's a keeper!

12/15/2013 1:11:28 PM

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