Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - Peanut Brittle (Microwave)

Peanut Brittle (Microwave)

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Recipe Details

Total Time:
not specified
1 pound
Contains nuts, Gluten‑free, Quick & easy, Travels well




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Barb73 says:

this recipe is good, but use glass bowls and not plastic bowls, it will melt even if it say microwave safe

12/23/2014 4:58:59 PM

emilydancer123 says:

soooo good. you rock person who made this. like, a very lots!

12/9/2012 6:04:29 PM

Trecee15 says:

Most yummy thing I ever had!!!!!:)

11/26/2012 5:04:16 PM

Benandruby says:

It needs a specific time because if it doesn't if you put it in the microwave for 10 minutes it might burn and try putting corn syrup vanilla and sugar in a pot

11/23/2012 3:09:11 PM

mandye76 says:

Delicious and easy to make...I have experimented and subustituted creamy peanut butter for the peanuts. 1-2 tablespoons work great and my older relatives just want to know how it was done without peanuts! Just be creative and let your imagination and taste buds go beyond "NORMAL"!

11/8/2012 8:51:06 PM

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