Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - Chocolate Billionaires

Chocolate Billionaires

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Recipe Details

Total Time:
not specified
about 4 dozen
Contains nuts, Gluten‑free, Good for parties/potlucks, Kid friendly, Travels well




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Arkirose1 says:

I have made them several times. I just don’t put the cereal in them. They are AMAZING! Just like Millionaires!!

12/5/2019 9:15:43 PM

NancyMillerRounds says:

My friend knew exactly what this was--she was from Texas! This is a keeper. Try these suggestions: Does the candy taste good before you tip it? If so, then it is the chocolate. I used Guittard Melt'n Mold without the paraffin.

7/15/2014 10:05:06 PM

Mommyof2boys says:

The taste is strange . waste of ingredients

12/7/2013 1:50:05 PM

kjkjj says:


12/9/2012 1:09:21 PM

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