Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - Easy Fudge

Easy Fudge

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Recipe Details

Total Time:
not specified
6 pounds
Gluten‑free, Kid friendly, Travels well




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jenniesimmons says:

Fabulous! been making it for several years now and everyone goes crazy for it!! No fail!

12/14/2013 10:30:53 AM

Shelly310 says:

Been making this fudge for the past 5 years, and everyone loves it.

10/13/2013 9:37:43 AM

mizzmacky says:

I have been making this recipe for the last 4 years every Christmas, everyone loves it, it's not grainy when you eat it, it is really easy to make and it is delicious!!!!! Everyone in my family asks every year now if I am making fudge and if I am, can I make extra!!!!

11/20/2012 3:08:29 PM

melissa767 says:

you should add nuts to it.

11/16/2012 7:55:54 PM

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