Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - Uncle Ferd's Butter Crisp Cracker Candy

Uncle Ferd's Butter Crisp Cracker Candy

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Recipe Details

Bake Time:
15 minutes
Tags: Good for parties/potlucks, Kid friendly, Travels well




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grannypeg63 says:

I can't keep enough of this around. It is so easy to make. I did have to cut the baking time down to 7 min. anything over that and it burns quick.

12/7/2013 8:06:33 PM

Freshy says:

This will be the 3rd year in a row I've made this candy. It's never failed me yet. This time I'm adding peanut butter chips as well as semisweet chocolate. Last year I chopped up the little mint hershy kisses. They were ahhhhhmazing in my humble opinion:)

12/18/2012 8:15:37 AM

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