Mrs. Claus' Cookbook - Cara's Awesome Apple Pastries

Cara's Awesome Apple Pastries

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Recipe Details

Bake Time:
5 minutes
15 pastries
Kid friendly, Quick & easy, Travels well




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littlemama says:

this was great,kids loved it...

11/15/2013 6:28:27 PM

Mary says:

Cook time is much longer than recipe states; I had to cook mine for about 30–35 minutes. Even though it took much longer than I anticipated, these pastries were worth the wait. They are very good! I used less butter than the recipe called for—1 stick of butter(113g)—and it was just enough for me since I did not put a lot of glaze on each pastry.

11/5/2012 7:41:42 AM

Mckenna says:

This is so awesome!So DELICIOUS!

11/4/2012 4:00:43 PM

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