Etsy Item of the Day: Reindeer Hat

As you can probably tell, we love all things handmade. There is just something so special about an ornament, piece of jewelry, or article of clothing when someone makes it with love and care and their own two hands.

Since we adore handmade goods, we’ve decided to feature an Etsy Item of the Day each day in order to share with you the sweet, festive, awesome, and silly stuff we find on Etsy.

So may I present to you today’s Etsy Item of the Day—a soft, hand-crocheted reindeer hat. How adorable!

Etsy Seller: Jo Jo’s Boutique

Greetings from the North Pole!

Hello from all of us here at! With the weather getting ever colder and the holidays drawing nearer, we are very excited and very busy. This year we decided it would be lots of fun to share with you some craft ideas, gift ideas, and more through our Elf Blog.

With Burt hard at work in the Workshop, Bif so swamped in the Mailroom, Will keeping an eye on things in the Weather Station, Mrs. Claus baking in the Kitchen, and Bonnie keeping Bud out of trouble, Santa asked Mary and me to take the blogging reins, and we couldn’t be more thrilled!

So keep your eyes on this space where we will be bringing you fun, festive ideas everyday from now until Christmas!


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