Save Some Cookies for Santa

On Christmas Eve, we all know to leave cookies and milk out for Santa so that he has a snack to nibble on while he drops off the presents. With Christmas cookies being so tempting for those both young and old, how do you make sure no one eats Santa’s special cookies? If you’re looking for something more festive than Tupperware and a Post-it note, perhaps this “Saved for Santa” cover could do the trick! It’s a reusable plastic plate cover that fits snugly around your plate, and it will clearly let your family and friends know whose cookies are on the plate.

What kind of cookies does your family like to leave out for Santa?

We received one “Saved for Santa” cover for free in order to determine whether it might be of interest to you. We only express our own opinions and findings, and we were not compensated in any other way. Please see our full disclosure here.


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Category: Festive Food

Raymond Around the World: London

During his downtime this year, Raymond ate his way around Brussels, Belgium and enjoyed the historical monuments in India. Where else did he go? Well, as you read in the story “Reindeer Games,” Raymond enjoys some friendly competition, so of course he had to go to London, England during the Summer Olympics!

Raymond smiling in front of Tower Bridge which bear the Olympic rings
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