Raymond Visits The Elf Pal Academy

Christmas is just a few short months away… 4 months to be exact! Everyone at the North Pole is bustling about, including—you guessed it—Raymond!

It has been a while since Raymond visited the Elf Pal Academy, so he trotted over to take a look around.

First, he brought an apple for a teacher.

Raymond brings an apple for a teacher

Then he skipped down a hallway and into a classroom where he found some school supplies. He stopped for a while to color some coloring pages. (Ahhh, smell that? I love the smell of crayons in the morning!)

Raymond found school suplies

Then he spotted some books on a bookcase and grabbed a few. Raymond loves to look at pictures…

Raymond looking at pictures

And flip pages…

Raymond flipping through books

After a while, Raymond’s tummy began to rumble, and he realized it was almost time for lunch. So he swiftly put the books away and scurried home, all the while wondering what he might eat. Apples? Oranges? Hot chocolate? Popcorn? Whatever he was going to eat, he knew he would not stuff himself like the time when he learned a lesson.


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Category: Raymond the Reindeer

5 Months To Go…

Happy July 25th! Christmas is getting closer—it’s only 5 months away. We have been celebrating Christmas all month long. We had a Christmas in July party and made lots of fun decorations. Check out some of our party ideas such as s’more snowmen, leafy paper garland, pretty glittered ornaments, and palm tree wall decorations, just to name a few.

While we were cleaning up after the party, Raymond began to play with some of the decorations…

Raymond is covered in snow!

Silly Raymond! Don’t get stuck in the snow!


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Category: Raymond the Reindeer

6 Months Until Christmas!

Gooooood morning! Today is June 25th, and Christmas is 6 months away.  We can’t believe how fast the year is flying by, but we are eagerly anticipating Christmas. So eager, in fact, that we thought we’d throw a party to celebrate! July is only a few days away. What better way to have fun than with a Christmas in July party? Check back as the day goes on for craft ideas for your Christmas in July party.


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Category: Northpole.com

Raymond’s Photo Shoot

Hiya folks! The spring months are upon us, and Christmas is just 7 months away. The elves are busy working, and the reindeer are preparing for the big day. Raymond is too little for reindeer training, so what is a young reindeer to do?

Well, he is counting down the days until Christmas, but that’s not all… Bored during a recent snowstorm, he put on some different outfits and had a photo shoot!

Raymond's photo shoot

Which picture is your favorite?


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Category: Raymond the Reindeer

Raymond’s Sporty Dream

Happy April 25th! We’re counting down the months until Christmas, and today marks just 8 months to go. It’s springtime, so you know what that means… it’s baseball season! Wait a second—there’s baseball at the Northpole? Well, kind of… Santa, the elves, the reindeer, and especially Raymond love to watch baseball on the TV.

Not only does Raymond love baseball, but he also loves many other sports. Remember when Raymond went to London, England during the 2012 Summer Olympics?

Raymond has been very excited about baseball for several weeks. He watches it whenever he can, talks about it quite a bit, and pretends to play baseball with snowballs.

One afternoon when Raymond was taking his mid-day nap, he fell into a deep sleep and dreamt about baseball.

In his dream, he went to a baseball park.

He stood on home plate, pretending to slide into home, scoring the win!

Then he trotted around the pitcher’s mound.

He even dreamt he got a signed baseball by his favorite player.

He wanted to try on the fielder’s glove, but it didn’t fit him. Silly Raymond! That’s not how you wear a baseball glove!

When he woke up, Raymond excitedly told everyone at Santa’s Secret Village about his dream!

Later that night, Raymond found a baseball next to his pillow. Maybe it wasn’t a dream after all 😉


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Category: Raymond the Reindeer

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