Etsy Item of the Day: Neva the Christmas Hippo

Oh. My. Goodness. Is Neva the Christmas Hippo not just the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen? Hippos are my second favourite animals, so I melted a little when I saw this cutie-pie. Made of red fleece with green cotton ears and tootsies, Neva would make a fun, whimsical addition to anyone’s holiday decor, especially those of us who really do want a hippopotamus for Christmas 🙂
Neva the Christmas Hippo

Etsy Seller: Jessie’s Toy Box

Raymond Around the World: Atlanta Braves Game

Raymond has been such a good little reindeer this year that I planned a fun surprise for him during the autumn before we started getting really busy preparing for Christmas. Remember Raymond’s dream from the springtime when he was obsessing about baseball? Well, I took Raymond down to Atlanta, Georgia to attend an Atlanta Braves game! We had a fabulous time watching the Braves take on the San Diego Padres, and Raymond had an absolute blast taking everything in—the organ music, the lights, the grass, the wave, the nachos, and of course the game!

Raymond at the Atlanta Braves GameRaymond rooting for the home team
Raymond at the Atlanta Braves GameOne happy reindeer
Raymond at the Atlanta Braves GameScoping out the outfield

Etsy Item of the Day: Wood-Burned Ornaments

One of the things I enjoy most about Etsy is discovering unique handmade items like this wood-burned ornament. I like the stars scattered above the snowcapped mountains with pine trees nestled at the base. The wood used to make this ornament was harvested from fallen branches, so you can rest assured that no trees were harmed in the process of making these ornaments.

Etsy Seller: By the Rock and Weed
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