Category Archives: Raymond the Reindeer

Raymond Around the World: India

So we all saw that Raymond had fun chowing down on frites and gaufres while in Brussels, Belgium. Where else in the world do you think Raymond travelled to?

If you guessed India, you would be correct! Raymond spent some time in northern India, and one of the cities he visited was Agra, home of the Taj Mahal. Unfortunately, reindeer are not allowed in the Taj Mahal 🙁

Raymond still had fun though—riding in auto rickshaws, checking out the marble shops, and visiting Agra Fort. And while the Agra Fort is beautiful and interesting in its own right, one of the best things about it is that you can see the Taj Mahal from there, just 2.5km up the Yamuna River.

Raymond at Agra Fort, taking a break from the Indian sun in the shade. [Spot the Taj?]
Raymond peering out at the Taj Mahal from Agra Fort

Where else do you think Raymond went this year? Stay tuned to find out! 🙂

Raymond Around the World: Brussels

Do you ever wonder what the elves and reindeer do outside of the holidays? Believe it or not, Raymond the reindeer loves to travel. After his yearly flight, Santa shares stories of his world travels, and Raymond takes advantage of his downtime during the off-season to visit some of the places Santa has told him about.

One of the places Raymond went this year was Brussels, Belgium. We all know from the story “Raymond Learns a Lesson” that Raymond LOVES to eat. So of course while he was in Brussels, Raymond had to sample some of the local cuisine…

Raymond eating une gaufre [a waffle].
Raymond enjoying les frites [fries].

Where else do you think Raymond went this year? Stay tuned to find out! 🙂

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