Category Archives: Raymond the Reindeer

Free Wallpaper: Welcoming a New Year

As we’re sure you can understand, all of us elves were rather pooped after the holiday season. Now that we’ve had some rest and relaxation, we thought we’d share a 2016 calendar with you! In this wallpaper, Raymond the reindeer is accompanied by one of his little penguin pals who is visiting from the South Pole. We can’t handle the cuteness overload! 😉

To download the free wallpaper, click on one of the sizes above and then right-click (Windows) or Control+click (Mac) the image and choose “Save Image As…”

Enjoy this wintery wallpaper from Be sure to check back at the beginning of each month for a new calendar wallpaper!

(Psst… If you want to learn how to make your own penguin pal, check out this craft in the Craft Cottage.)

Raymond Around the World: Chicago

After visiting Brooklyn, New York; Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland in Michigan; a farm in Virginia; Lord’s Cricket Ground in England; and Venice, Italy, where else do you think Raymond travelled to this year? If you guessed Chicago, Illinois [or if you read the title of this post ;)], you are correct!

In the spring I had to venture down to Chicago for a conference, and Raymond asked if he could tag along. Raymond is such a great travel companion that of course I said yes! The weather was sunny and mild, so we walked and walked and walked all around Chicago. We walked so much that my feet and Raymond’s hooves were aching by the end of the day—but we still had a fantastic time.

We started our day by walking quite a ways along Lakefront Trail, enjoying the breeze and the views of beautiful Lake Michigan.

Raymond with Lake Michigan and the Chicago skyline
One happy reindeer, loving the sunshine and lake breeze

Then we wandered into the city, making our way to Millennium Park. On the way, we walked over some bridges, which always delights both Raymond and me.

Looking out over the Chicago River

Once we made it to Millennium Park, we strolled over to Cloud Gate, AKA “The Bean.” This amazing sculpture was constructed from 168 stainless steel plates that were welded together, and it has no visible seams. It measures 33 by 66 by 42 feet, and weighs over 100 tons—wow! Cloud Gate is extremely polished, so it reflects and distorts the people standing around it and the city’s skyline. Raymond and I thought the sculpture was really something special, as it’s so simple yet so stunning.

Raymond with Cloud Gate
Enjoying his reflection and the distorted skyline

After we left Millennium Park, we just happened upon the Chicago Stock Exchange arch. This large, embellished arch is more than 100 years old and is one of the very few pieces remaining of the original Chicago Stock Exchange building.

Checking out the detailed embellishments on the Chicago Stock Exchange arch

While we ambled around Chicago, Raymond and I kept commenting to each other how much great architecture there is in this city. One of our favourite structures in Chicago was the Wrigley Building, which is 90 years old and features a clock tower. It’s right on the river, which makes it even more lovely.

With the Wrigley Building in the background
What can I say—Raymond and I love rivers and bridges

At this point we had already done A LOT of walking, so Raymond and I decided that we needed a snack, and what better snack in Chicago than Garrett Popcorn? Naturally we had to try the Chicago mix, which is caramel popcorn combined with cheese popcorn. I know that sounds a little odd, but somehow it works and is rather tasty!

Waiting in line at Garrett Popcorn

Tummies satisfied, we walked down Navy Pier just in time to see the sunset, which was just gorgeous over Lake Michigan and with the skyline in the background.

Raymond enjoying the sunset from Navy Pier

When we were heading back down Navy Pier, Raymond saw the Ferris wheel, and he begged me to go for a ride. I’m a little scared of heights, but how can I say no to Raymond? I was a little nervous on the ride, but I held Raymond’s hoof. He’s such a good friend 🙂

Excited to ride the Ferris wheel on Navy Pier

Overall Raymond and I had a fabulous time in Chicago. Where should Raymond visit next year? Let us know in the comments!

Merry Christmas from Chi-Town!

Raymond Around the World: Venice

Raymond has gone on quite the variety of adventures this year, hasn’t he? So far we’ve told you about him posing for a photo op in Brooklyn, perusing aisles upon aisles of Christmas items at Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland, making some animals friends on a farm, and having a sporty afternoon at Lord’s Cricket Ground. Well, Raymond and I are both interested in history, and since we had such a fun and educational time in Rome last year, we decided to pop down to Venice, Italy!

Situated at the northern end of the Adriatic Sea, Venice is an ancient city comprised of 118 [!] small islands, which are separated by canals and connected by 409 [!!] bridges. There are actually no cars or roads in Venice, so people get around either on foot or by boat. It’s a very different and very beautiful city that Raymond and I both loved quite a bit.

Raymond in front of Saint Mark’s Basilica with loads of tourists
Dodging the hot sun in the shadow of St Mark’s Campanile [a bell tower]
Looking around Piazza San Marco, probably on the hunt for a gelato shop
One more look at the gorgeous Saint Mark’s Basilica

Unfortunately for us, I got a really bad cold while we were in Venice, so Raymond and I didn’t get to explore quite as much as we had wanted 🙁 But we’ve already talked about going back sometime soon… perhaps in the autumn or winter when there are fewer tourists and it’s not quite so hot!

Where else do you think Raymond went this year? Stay tuned to find out! 😀

Raymond Around the World: Lord’s Cricket Ground

If you’ve been following the Elf Blog these past few years, you’ll know that Raymond really loves sports of all kinds. A couple of years ago Raymond had a great time at a baseball game, and the year before that he went to London during the Olympics.

This summer Raymond and I decided to check out a sport that neither of us knew much about—cricket! Since this was our first cricket match, we decided to go to the Home of Cricket, Lord’s Cricket Ground in London, England. There we saw Middlesex play Hampshire, and while both Raymond and I still don’t totally understand cricket [there are A LOT of rules!], we had a fantastic evening together.

Super excited to be learning about a new sport.

And not only did we have fun watching the match, Raymond and I also enjoyed the history at Lord’s, which was established at its current location in 1814. There is an interesting mix of new and old at Lord’s, such as the futuristic Media Centre from 1999 and the bas-relief from 1934. Raymond was particularly fond of the sculpture, as it features all kinds of sportspeople, including cricketers, footballers, golfers, and more.

Behind Raymond is the bas-relief that includes the inscription PLAY UP PLAY UP AND PLAY THE GAME.
In front of the bronze Batsman sculpture, depicting an anonymous batsman.
Paying close attention, trying to understand wickets, bowlers, and overs.

Where else do you think Raymond went this year? Stay tuned to find out! 😀

Raymond Visits a Farm

Generally speaking, I don’t travel quite as often as Raymond and Becky do, but that’s because when Raymond’s home at the North Pole, he and I spend a great deal of time thinking of fun shenanigans like blowing bubbles, trying on outfits and posing in front of a camera, or baking cookies. 😉 This year, however, I had the opportunity to visit some relatives in rural Virginia, so Raymond accompanied me there.

In this part of Virginia, there are a handful of farms that grow fresh fruits and veggies, as well as raise animals. We stopped at one dairy farm to get ice cream, and then we walked the grounds to visit all the animals.

First we saw a pig taking a break from the shade to soak up some sunshine.
Look what Raymond saw when we entered the stables—silly goat!
What are these chickens doing under a tractor?!
The cow didn’t want to look at Raymond. Maybe she’s shy?
Raymond saying “Hi” to a donkey, who’s munching on some hay.
Speaking of hay, check out these minion haystacks!
Look at the size of that silo! Wowser!
Raymond stopping to take one last photo before we left the farm.

Where else do you think Raymond went this year? Let us know in the comments below!

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