
Author Archives: Mary

Raymond’s Sporty Dream

Happy April 25th! We’re counting down the months until Christmas, and today marks just 8 months to go. It’s springtime, so you know what that means… it’s baseball season! Wait a second—there’s baseball at the Northpole? Well, kind of… Santa, the elves, the reindeer, and especially Raymond love to watch baseball on the TV.

Not only does Raymond love baseball, but he also loves many other sports. Remember when Raymond went to London, England during the 2012 Summer Olympics?

Raymond has been very excited about baseball for several weeks. He watches it whenever he can, talks about it quite a bit, and pretends to play baseball with snowballs.

One afternoon when Raymond was taking his mid-day nap, he fell into a deep sleep and dreamt about baseball.

In his dream, he went to a baseball park.

He stood on home plate, pretending to slide into home, scoring the win!

Then he trotted around the pitcher’s mound.

He even dreamt he got a signed baseball by his favorite player.

He wanted to try on the fielder’s glove, but it didn’t fit him. Silly Raymond! That’s not how you wear a baseball glove!

When he woke up, Raymond excitedly told everyone at Santa’s Secret Village about his dream!

Later that night, Raymond found a baseball next to his pillow. Maybe it wasn’t a dream after all 😉


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Category: Raymond the Reindeer

Raymond Goes to California’s Coast!

Greetings, folks! Our Christmas countdown continues, and to celebrate today—March 25th—I’m sending you a hearty salutation, saying “Happy 9 months until Christmas!”

As you probably know by now, Raymond loves to travel. So when he heard that I was traveling to California, he eagerly offered to accompany me on the trip. While we were there, we took a stroll along the coast in Ventura, CA. We enjoyed the salty scent of the Pacific Ocean and the peaceful surging and ebbing of the waves on the beach.

After gazing at the beautiful scenery, Raymond trotted off to play in the sand. He dug a hole in the sand with his shovel and guess what happened next?

He covered himself with a mound of sand… with a little bit of help from me 😉

Then Raymond spotted some seagulls.

He was tempted to chase after them, but just as he realized that wouldn’t be a kind thing to do, the seagulls flew away.

What else do you think Raymond is up to?


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Category: Raymond the Reindeer

10 Months and Counting

Greetings! It’s February 25th… just 10 months until Christmas is here! I bet you all are bustling about—thinking about school, work, and family. I’ve been busy drawing, sewing, and crafting—making all sorts of fun things. (There will be more about that later. 😉 ) As I walked into the workroom the other day, look what I stumbled upon…

Yup! You guessed it. Raymond.

He eagerly came to the workroom to help me pick out some ribbon for my most recent project, but he got all tangled!

I could go on and on about all the wonderful things happening at the North Pole, but I’d like to hear from you.

What have you been up to this month?

Raymond Bakes (Healthy!) Cookies

Happy New Year!! And Happy January 25th—Christmas is exactly 11 months away! I hope you all brought in the new year with much joy. This time of year, there’s usually a buzz about eating healthier, exercising more, spending more time with family, etc. What are your plans or resolutions for the new year?

I did make a resolution to eat healthier (again), but what I’m more excited about is (drumroll, please)… trying a new recipe every week. So far so good! I’ve tried a handful of recipes from a healthy cookbook, and I found my new favorite cookie recipe! They are called Carnival Cookies. They’re primarily made from bananas and oats, so they’re super healthy and you don’t need to feel guilty if you’ve eaten 5 or 6! 😉 I shared the first batch of cookies with the other elves and reindeer here at the North Pole, and everyone loved them!

Especially Raymond.

Raymond loved the cookies so much that he begged me make another batch of cookies. It didn’t take much prodding for me to agree to bake some more. (Who can say no to cookies?) So Raymond and I headed to the pantry to gather the ingredients.

But first we needed to put on our aprons.

Then we got all the ingredients together. Raymond mashed the bananas while I mixed the dry ingredients.

After we added all the ingredients, we put the cookies on baking sheets, and then popped them in the oven to bake. About 15 minutes later, Mrs. Claus took them out of the oven. In the meantime, Raymond and I eagerly waited for the cookies to cool.

Looking for more yummy recipes? Click here to view the recipes in Mrs. Claus’ Kitchen.

What’s your favorite cookie?


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Category: Raymond the Reindeer

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