
Author Archives: Becky

Countdown to Christmas – 1 Day to Go!

Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!! As you know, we’ve invited our friends on Google+ to the Official Countdown to Christmas 2012 where they can upload photos of how they’re celebrating Christmas and celebrate with the rest of the world. If you’re on Google+, we hope you’ll join us! (If you’re not on Google+ yet, you can sign up here.)

Here are some of our favourite photos from yesterday and today!

Sandra B. said, “My daughters with Santa :)”
Carey O. said, “Waiting for the Guest of Honor, a.k.a.The Big Guy.”
Jimmy C. said, “My Norwegian friend loves her Raymond! Thanks!”
Sarah R. said, “We just moved to Alaska just 5 days ago and my son was dying for us to put up our tree (it was literally the only thing he talked about during our trip from California to Alaska) so we put it up and let both my son and daughter decorate the tree. As you can tell by all the ornaments placed only at the bottom of the tree :o) We are very excited for Santa this year.”

Does your family have any Christmas Eve traditions? Let us know in the comments below!

Countdown to Christmas – 6 Days to Go!

Only 6 days until Christmas now! As I mentioned yesterday, we’ve invited our friends on Google+ to the Official Countdown to Christmas 2012 where they can upload photos of how they’re celebrating Christmas and celebrate with the rest of the world. If you’re on Google+, we hope you’ll join us! (If you’re not on Google+ yet, you can sign up here.)

Want to see some of our favourite photos from yesterday? Check ’em out over here!

I guess everyone was really busy today (finishing up their Christmas shopping, perhaps?) because we only had one photo submission on the Event page today—from me 😉

My favourite section of my tree: photo of my basset hound, a wee julbock, hearts from London and Sweden, a hippo, and Troy Polamalu!
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