
Author Archives: Becky

Etsy Item of the Day: Letterpress-Printed Brooklyn Gift Tag

What a unique spin on a gift tag! This letterpress-printed tag brings to mind a vintage luggage tag. With striking typography and festive details, this is perfect for any gift-giving Brooklynites. If I was from Brooklyn, I would attach one of these tags to the packaging of any homemade baked goods I gave as Christmas presents!
Letterpress-Printed Brooklyn Gift Tag

Etsy Seller: a. favorite design

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Raymond Around the World: Brooklyn

This year in our downtime, Raymond and I travelled a little bit again. In years past we’ve gone to India, San Francisco, London, Savannah, and South Korea, among other places. When we travel, both Raymond and I love to try out local foods. Well, earlier this year, Raymond said he really wanted to try some traditional bagels, so we popped down to Brooklyn, New York. While there, of course we had to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge to check out the view
 and because it’s a great spot for a photo!

With the East River and Manhattan in the background.
On the iconic 19th century bridge.

Where else do you think Raymond went this year? Stay tuned to find out! 😀

Etsy Item of the Day: The Unofficial Harry Potter Christmas Kit

The Unofficial Harry Potter Christmas Kit is so fun! It contains everything you need to wrap gifts for your friends and family members who would prefer a foaming tankard of butterbeer to a mug of cocoa. The kit includes “Owl Post” gift stickers, assorted Harry Potter Christmas cards, Hogwarts greeting cards, Hogwarts gift tags, and “Charmed—Handle with Care” stickers.
The Unofficial Harry Potter Christmas Kit

Etsy Seller: Afternoon Coffee

GĂ€vlebocken is Back!

My beloved GĂ€vlebocken is back! The 13 meter tall Christmas goat has been erected once again this year in GĂ€vle, Sweden. Make sure to follow him on Twitter or Instagram, or read his blog for a dose of julstĂ€mning. And if you’re a serious GĂ€vlebocken fan like me, you might also like to check out the live feed on his webcam!

🙂 #sharegĂ€vle #GĂ€vlebocken #gavlegoat

A photo posted by GĂ€vlebocken (@gavlebocken) on

And you can always go visit GĂ€vlebocken yourself:

802 50 GĂ€vle

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