
Author Archives: Becky

Monday Merriness

There are only 11 days until Christmas now—woo hoo! I hope that your week is off to an excellent start, but in case your Monday needs a dose of holiday cheer, check out the adorable videos below. They will surely put a smile on your face and some festive feelings in your heart 😀


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Category: Pets & Animals

Etsy Item of the Day: Needle-Felted Pocket Reindeer

While perusing the Christmas goodies on Etsy, the photo of this little guy stopped me in my tracks! Doesn’t this needle-felted reindeer look like he’s just popping in to say “hi”? 😀 Standing at a mere 3 inches tall, this wee reindeer would be a festive addition to your desk at work—or carry him around in your coat pocket for merriness to-go!
Hi there!

Etsy Seller: Mister Sandman

Send Sa’fyre a Christmas Card

During the holiday season when so many of us are surrounded by family, it’s good to remember that not everyone is so lucky. Two years ago eight-year-old Sa’fyre was the sole survivor in an arson attack that killed the rest of her immediate family. Since surviving the fire, she has undergone countless surgeries, but—according to this Redbook article—Sa’fyre’s aunt says “She is the bravest, most courageous little girl you will ever meet. She is funny and witty, sweet and caring, and super strong… She wakes every morning with a smile on her face. She is the true definition of hope, faith and love.”​ It’s so inspiring that Sa’fyre has stayed so positive, despite everything that she’s been through!

Photo Credit: Sa’fyre Schenectady’s Super Survivor Facebook Page

Now we all have the chance to do something that will only take a moment, but will make Sa’fyre’s Christmas a little merrier. She would love to receive holiday cards from folks all around the world, and if this video is any indication, Sa’fyre has already received quite a number of cards!

But I think we can all help Sa’fyre’s pile of cards grow! Pop over to the store to pick up a card or dig through your stash of extra Christmas cards [I’m not the only one with a card stash, right?] and send a card to Sa’fyre today to help her have a very merry Christmas:

P.O. Box 6126
Schenectady, NY 12306

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