A Paper Folding Tradition for 40+ Years

At the American Museum of Natural History, their Origami Holiday Tree has been an annual tradition for more than 40 years. The tree is a whopping 13 feet tall and displays more than 800 origami ornaments—each one folded by hand! Origami artists from all over the world assist in making the plethora of paper models for the tree. The theme for this year’s tree is Origami Night at the Museum, inspired by the film Night at the Museum.

The 2014 Origami Holiday Tree will be on display from November 24, 2014 through January 11, 2015.

Here are some images from 2013’s holiday tree. The theme for 2013 was Wicked, Wild and Wonderful and was inspired by The Power of Poison exhibit at the museum.

Photo Credit: AMNH/R. Mickens

Photo Credit: AMNH/R. Mickens

Photo Credit: AMNH/R. Mickens

Photo Credit: AMNH/R. Mickens

For more information, please visit the American Museum of Natural History website, or contact them at:

American Museum of Natural History
Central Park West at 79th Street
New York, NY 10024-5192
Phone: 212-769-5100


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