Raymond Around the World: San Francisco

In the early summer, I went to San Francisco, California for a conference, and Raymond was thrilled when I asked him to tag along on my trip. While there I was pretty busy with the conference, but we did manage to fit in some sightseeing.

The weather was quite lovely during our visit, so during a free afternoon, Raymond and I went on a long walk to soak in the sunshine and the breeze. We enjoyed wandering about, but we did have a destination in mind: Ghirardelli Square. Raymond and I both LOVE chocolate, so we knew we had to go there πŸ™‚

Raymond outside Ghirardelli SquareSunshine & chocolate—this was an excellent day

As soon as we walked in the door at the Ghirardelli shop, an employee handed us a piece of chocolate. Now that’s customer service πŸ˜‰ Since that wasn’t enough chocolate for us, Raymond and I shared a homemade chocolate-dipped waffle cone filled with Ghirardelli chocolate ice cream. In a word: YUM! It was absolutely decadent and delicious. Raymond gave it four hooves up.

Raymond and a Ghirardelli ice cream coneA perfectly decadent and delicious treat

After enjoying our ice cream, Raymond and I ambled down a pier where we gazed out at the sea and had our hair and fur tousled by the occasionally wild breeze from the Bay.

Raymond enjoying the Bay breezeEnjoying the breeze from the Bay

While we were relaxing on the pier, I pointed to an island out in the Bay and informed Raymond that it was Alcatraz Island, which is where folks who were permanently on the Naughty List used to go.

Raymond looking out at AlcatrazRaymond looking out at Alcatraz

As the sun started to set, Raymond and I decided to make our way over to Fisherman’s Wharf. Raymond and I are both vegetarians, so we weren’t interested in buying or eating any seafood, but we still wanted to look around. This was an excellent decision because while walking around, our noses came across the fantastic smell of sourdough from Boudin Bakery. As we strolled back to the hotel, we shared an amazingly fresh sourdough roll. It was a tasty finish to our nice afternoon.

Raymond at Fisherman's WharfNo fish, please, but we’ll take some sourdough!

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Category: Raymond the Reindeer


5 comments on “Raymond Around the World: San Francisco

  • Mia said:

    That ice cream that Raymond had looked yummy!!!!!!

  • Becky

    Becky said:

    Oh yes, it was super yummy! πŸ˜€

  • Anika said:

    Yes yummy!!

  • Addison said:

    mmmm….Ghirardelli Chocolate. Go to Disney; they give out free samples of different chocolate every day!

  • Becky

    Becky said:

    Addison, thanks for the tip! Raymond and I both really love chocolate πŸ˜€

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