Etsy Item of the Day: White Christmas Tree

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas tree… like this one! This whimsical, beaded tree is beaded by hand, and standing 8 inches tall, it is perfect for a desk, mantle, or table!

Etsy Seller: SF Beads

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Category: Etsy Item of the Day


7 comments on “Etsy Item of the Day: White Christmas Tree

  • Aideen Tehan said:

    I really like the white christmas tree, its so cool.

  • Kailey said:

    This is so beautiful! I want one just like it!

  • yanal said:

    i love it

  • CANY said:

    Love it!!

  • jaylynn said:

    oh thats sooooo pretty

  • Sofia said:

    i love it soooooo much

  • Delaney said:

    what a great idea. i love it. its so beautiful.

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