Craft Cottage - Felt Reindeer Ornament

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Crafting Time:

Less than 1 hour


Pipe Cleaners


Kid’s Crafts


Fun to Make with Kids

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Felt Reindeer Ornament

This easy reindeer craft is a fun activity for kids. After they make one reindeer, they may want to make an entire herd. Personalize each reindeer with different colored antlers, noses, or even wiggly eyes with lashes! When your children finish making their reindeer, they can pretend the reindeer are playing reindeer games just like in this story.

Supplies & Tools:

  • Printable template (download here)
  • Brown felt (or craft foam)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Marker or pen
  • Red pompom
  • Tan or grey pipe cleaner
  • Wiggly eyes
  • Paper clip, unfolded (or an ornament hook)


  1. Print out the template. Cut out pattern.
  2. Place pattern on felt and trace. Cut out shape.
  3. Glue red pompom on tip. Glue on eyes.
  4. Bend pipe cleaners to look like antlers and glue to top of head.
  5. Poke the paperclip through the felt between antlers.
  6. Hang this cute guy on your tree!

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