Please answer the following questions to see how good you’ve been!

Do you listen to the babysitter?
  • Oh yes, the babysitter is a lot of fun
  • Most of the time, especially when they give me candy
  • Sometimes, if it’s something I already want to do
  • Very rarely because it’s too easy to make their life miserable
Do you listen to your teacher?
  • Always – you can learn a lot from your teacher
  • Most of the time, unless I get distracted
  • Sometimes, unless my friend is asking me something
  • Only when the teacher mentions my name
Do you play nice with your friends?
  • Always, after all they are my friends
  • Most of the time, even if they are mean to me
  • Not when they are mean to me
  • I’m tougher than all my friends and they know it!
Do you always ‘do your best’ at everything?
  • Yes, I strive to do my very best in everything I try
  • Most of the time, but new things are sometimes a little scary
  • Sometimes I just don’t care and don’t try my hardest
  • I do just enough so no one will yell at me
Are you nice to younger kids?
  • Always – it’s fun to play with them
  • Most of the time, unless I’m with my older friends
  • Sometimes – they are pretty obnoxious
  • No, they are all just too young and immature for me uses cookies.

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