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Christmassy Hair Clips

Looking for the perfect accessory to turn an ordinary outfit into a sparkly or sweet Christmas statement? Here’s a recipe for some DIY festive barrettes: an appliqué, hot glue, and hair clips. Use whatever you like for the appliqué: felt flowers or holly, artificial flowers or greenery—the possibilities are endless.
You can find an assortment of glittery foliage at the craft store with all the Christmas picks. We like using Christmas picks because they are small enough to make some cute accessories. Since the picks are usually just plastic, you can cut them with scissors and you won’t have any dangerous wires or sharp edges exposed. Plus, they are usually very inexpensive—around $1 or so.
Supplies & Tools:

- Hair clips with holes
- Christmas picks (artificial flowers & foliage from the craft store)
- Sparkly foam balls (vase filler)
- Mini pompoms
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun & glue sticks
- Felt scraps
- Optional: bobby pins with pad OR bobby pins, needle, and thread
Basic Directions:
- Make (or buy) your accent piece. Some ideas include: a small felt peppermint (directions here), mini felt hearts (tiny versions of these hearts, but with no stuffing), felt flowers, holly, or other Christmas foliage (directions below).
- Cut a 0.5" circle from felt scraps.
- Apply a pea-sized drop of glue on the circle that is attached the accent and immediately press the clip over the glue. Some glue should ooze up through the holes of the clip.
- Immediately press the felt circle over the holes/glue.
Note: If the glue hardens before you press the circle, just add a little more glue. - Now your hair clip is ready to wear.
Silver Christmas Foliage

- Cut Christmas foliage to desired length.
- Cut a 1" felt circle (this is your base) and begin gluing foliage to the circle.
- Continue gluing pieces until your design is complete.
- Glue to hair clip. (See basic instructions above.)

Holly Leaves & Berries

- Cut a few leaves from felt scraps.
- Glue leaves together, slightly overlapping, as shown:
- Glue 3 mini pompoms together, and then glue to the leaves
- Glue to hair clip. (See basic instructions above.)

Want to use bobby pins instead?

Bobby pins give you more flexibility to wear your accessory. Since the appliqué is sewn to the pin, you can rotate the pin to wear it any way you want: on the right side, on the left side, or straight into a bun. (Don’t like to sew? You can use bobby pins with a pad to glue your appliqué directly to the pin.)
- Cut a felt circle that is 0.75".
- Sew the circle to the bobby pin.
- After you’ve sewn around the pin several times, tie a knot and trim the thread.
- Glue the felt circle to the accent piece.
- Now you are done attaching the bobby pin to the accent.